Stop Dubia Roach Escape Does Vaseline Work?
CONTAIN Roach Barrier Works Much Better Than Vaseline! & Can Stop Dubia Roach Escape. Insects & Supplies By Ready Reptile Feeders RRF Insects Star Registered 
CONTAIN Roach Barrier Works as a Super Slick Insect Boundary and Barrier that prevents insects from escaping the colony. This will stop dubia roach escape as well as climbers like madagascar Hissers. Also By Working as a Boundary & By preventing spiders, mites and other invasive insects from getting inside your feeder insect colony.
CONTAIN Insect & Roach Barrier
• Works To Stop Dubia Roach Escape & Lasts Longer than Vaseline or Oils.
• Will not Melt, Run or Evaporate
• Maintains in Temperatures above 400 Deg F
• Never Needs to be Reapplied (Unless it gets overly soiled)
CONTAIN Roach Barrier Works To Prevent Dubia Roach Escape, From Escaping From Your Roach Colony Setup. If you have problems with invasive insects in the dubia roach bowl, this Product Works to Keep Roaches In and Pest Insects Like Spiders & Ants Out!
Customers Report Good Experiences With Brushing On Contain Roach Barrier CONTAIN Works Best When Spread smoothly and thinly. CONTAIN Works Better Than Vaseline.
How to Keep Dubia Roaches From Escaping: If you ask how are my dubia roaches escaping? This product is what you have been looking for. Apply CONTAIN Roach & Insect Barrier with adequate wideness and depth.
Applying with adequate wideness prevents agile roaches from reaching up and scaling over the layer. Even very agile roaches will stop with a second layer of CONTAIN. A second layer is a second line of defense.
CONTAIN Roach Barrier lasts indefinitely & will stop dubia roach escape when breeding dubia roaches
Theoretically it is infinite, however this is in theory. CONTAIN is reapplied over the life of the bin whenever the CONTAIN Barrier becomes dirty and soiled on the perimeter of the bin.
The reason why CONTAIN may need to be reapplied to prevent dubia roach escape is that Roaches can grip and climb on soiled product. Some customers use a thin layer and then a second layer that is slightly thicker. However we find that thin layers Work Better.
Other Customers use CONTAIN as a second and final barrier. A second defense after using say Aluminum or teflon tape. The CONTAIN applied correctly should be unscalable. However in an environment with Frass and dusty food or materials can render some breeches,
With the included brush or any other applicator smear a thin layer of the CONTAIN Roach & Insect Barrier all around the inside of the container. Apply additional CONTAIN on top or below the layer to get the right depth as needed.
A second layer is appropriate and reduces the escape. You may also use a secondary method along with CONTAIN. Finally Your Roaches Will Be CONTAINED. Some of our customers use this insect barrier to keep Dermestid Beetles & Larvae inside their bins.
CONTAIN Roach & Insect Barrier Product is Food Grade & Incidental contact with Food or Water Gel Crystals will not harm your insects.
With The enclosed brush applicator, Spread a thin even coat of CONTAIN as a Boundary at the top 2 inches of your feeder insect colony bin. You are left with a Barrier or Boundary that cannot be passed. CONTAIN Insect Barrier is safe Food Grade material. It will not harm with incidental ingestion by insects. As a result, once the roaches or insects learn they cannot pass by they just give up.
One ounce of CONTAIN should Cover one application of one bin. There should be enough left over for touch ups. For More Bins or for re-application more will be necessary.
TIPS FOR USING CONTAIN Barrier in your Dubia Roach Enclosure By RRF.
• By Spreading CONTAIN Barrier in a thin consistent film 1-2 inches wide, Roaches will not be able to escape. For Large Species Like Madagascar Hissers 2 Inches is Recommended.
• By Using CONTAIN Barrier as a Final & Most Effective layer or Boundary after other methods (Packing tape, Oil, Fluon PTFE Product, Vaseline etc) you will prevent escape and intrusion by other insect pests.
• CONTAIN Barrier. Works by forming an effective Boundary By keeping out invasive insects, (Spiders, Mites, Flies & Gnats)
My Dubia Roaches Escaped. Do Dubia Roaches infest your house if they escape?
Dubia roaches like tropical heat, they will not survive long outside of breeding setup even in semi tropical areas. As soon as the temperature goes below 70 they will slow down and you will likely find them on their back unable to move let alone breed. How to keep dubia roaches alive once you find them on their back? just put them back into the colony the heat and humidity of the microclimate will revive them.
Do you sell dubia roaches near me?
We ship to All 50 States.
Can Dubia Roaches climb plastic?
Dubia roaches cannot climb plastic very effectively. Some containers like rubbermaid may be a very rough plastic that the roaches may be able to scale in the corners. Also eggflats may reach near the top and they may be able to climb the last 2 inches. This is Where CONTAIN Barrier begins to Work to Stop dubia roach escape!